Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Back After Long Hiatus

Well basically after 2 years of not writing it is time to start posting again. So where have I been the last 2 years? In short, been "doing life", the combination of junior airline captain, kids, and family time at a premium has basically taken up my time.  Now, as a bit more senior and a less demanding flying schedule and kids off to university I hopefully can find more time to be more active on The Stable Approach blog. I am always trying to think of topics in the aviation industry that people would find interesting or curious about. Pilots, like most professions tend to see their industry as a routine job and fail to see the many aspects of it that fascinates or creates curiosity among the flying public.  If you have any topics or questions about airline pilot careers, aircraft, or the airline industry, please feel free to comment. I will use these to help create posts that will help answer your questions about the industry.
It's good to be back!